Dansk English

Moving to Denmark

In connection with moving to Denmark, it is important to have the right documents ready before admission. Please read the following letter carefully before transferring out.

Danish Customs information


All Household Goods shipments arriving Denmark by sea, air, rail or road must be cleared through customs at the point of entry. We must accordingly receive inventory and shipping documents well ahead of the arrival of the shipment.

Household goods

From non-EU countries, household goods which have been owned and used for minimum 6 months, and still are intended for owner’s use, can be imported duty free by any person taking up residence in Denmark. Returning Danes must have had a residence abroad for minimum 12 months to qualify for duty free importation of household goods. Certification from authority abroad, employers or the like may be requested.

Documents necessary for importation of household goods We will need Inventory (in English), B/L or AWB plus a copy of the importers passport identification pages. If alcoholic beverages are included in the shipment a detailed inventory listing brand, alcohol percentage, numbers and sizes of bottles must accompany documents. Except for identical bottles, it is of vital importance that the inventory provides separate listing per bottle. The content of any PBO cartons must be declared on the inventory to facilitate customs clearance.

Here are links to import of household goods and shipper profile.

Restricted import

The following items may be imported as part of a household goods shipment, however subject to payment of duties and taxes to the Danish authorities.

Any quantities of wine, spirits or tobacco included in household goods shipment must be declared to be for personal consumption and will attract duty and tax. In general there is no limit of quantity, but larger quantities might be considered as commercial import and may only be imported by licensed importers.

As the amount of duties and taxes will be assessed on the value and quantity of the beverage or tobacco to be imported it is not possible to indicate a general level of duties. Please note that all quantities, whether in unopened or opened bottles, will be assessed taxes and duties.

Dry and canned food that is in your possession prior to the arrangements of the removal, and in limited amounts is allowed. Foodstuff bought AFTER the arrangements of the removal will be considered as commercial import and may only be imported by licensed importers.

Cars, motor bikes, airplanes, caravans, pleasure crafts, motor trailers may be imported duty free, provided these have been in the owners possession and registered as such abroad for a minimum of six months. However, Danish registration tax, which is extremely high, must be paid. Original foreign registration papers and insurance card must be available and submitted to customs. Following customs clearance, the owner in person must present the car to the authorities for registration.


Inheritances may be imported free of duty within 2 years following the finalization of the estate. The client must produce documentation in the form of a will or declaration issued and legalized by the lawyers handling the estate.


May be imported from most countries provided the following documents are valid and available at the port of entry:

1. Health certificate not more than 1 month old issued by the Veterinarian Authorities at origin. 2. Certificate for rabies vaccination (issued at least 3 weeks but not more than 12 months prior departure) 3. Identification of the animal (tattoo or microchip) must be verified against health certificates before any entry is allowed. 4. As a private individual, no more than five animals can be imported from non EU counties, except from Andorra, Switzerland, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Monaco, Norway, San Marino and the Vatican. Pets from certain countries may be required to undergo a rabies serological test prior to importation into the EU. Please always refer to us for up-to-date information prior to importation. Under normal circumstances quarantine will not be required for healthy animals.

Secondary residence

By special application, owners of secondary residences in Denmark may be allowed one duty free import. The effects such imported must have been owned for minimum 6 months, and the secondary residence must have been owned or rented for minimum 24 months. The effects must not be sold, let or lended out for a period of 12 months from the time of importation. Customs authorities may order a deposit, corresponding to the customs duties and taxes.

Diplomatic shipments

Personal belongings of diplomats employed with foreign missions in Denmark can be imported free of duty and customs inspection provided the local mission issues a franchise. Returning Danish diplomats do not enjoy any customs exemptions or privileges, and their shipments of household goods and personal effects will be subject to normal customs regulations.


Visitors, who will not take up residence in Denmark, cannot import household goods free of duty.

Prohibited articles

Narcotics. Medicines not approved by the Danish Health Authorities. Firearms and ammunition (unless a special license is obtained from the Danish Ministry of Justice). Live plants (unless the Danish Governmental Plant Protection Service grants a license based on certificate from authorities at origin that the plants are free from disease). Live, dead and pre-manufactured parts of animals as mentioned in the Washington Convention (unless the Danish Nature Conservancy Board grants a license).

Disclaimer: While all efforts have been made to ensure that the above customs information is current and correct, European Removal & Storage Co. will not accept any responsibility caused by possible errors or omissions. For up-to-date information, we advise users to consult with us or with the nearest Danish Embassy/Consulate and/or other relevant parties for confirmation or clarification.

Copenhagen, September 2005.

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